E Series Sample Systems
Two Boxes with a 2-Channel Amp

The E110's multi-purpose loudspeaker enclosures work well as either main speakers or stage monitors.
E110 System
(2) E110 loudspeakers
(1) GXD4 Processing Amplifier
A compact system.
Moderate level use in:
Live Sound
Music Playback
E112 System
(2) E112 loudspeakers
(1) GXD8 Processing Amplifier
Simple but powerful.
Main system use in:
Live Sound
Music Playback
E115 System
(2) E115 loudspeakers
(1) GXD8 Processing Amplifier
Greater acoustic output for larger spaces.
Clarity and excellent low-frequency performance for:
Live Sound Reinforcement
High-level Music Playback

Stereo Tops and Subs on a 4-Channel Amp

The subs/loudspeakers combine with the amplifier for a complete solution that's ideal for venues of all sizes.